Writer's Showcase
created by
Annie Lansbury

Dear Readers

Welcome! I am happy you came for a visit and hope you come back week after week.

By nature I am a very curious person. While reading L&C fanfics I have found myself wondering (a word I use a lot) about the authors who write the stories I love. It is with this curiosity in mind, that I have created the 'Writer's Showcase' in hopes all readers of L&C fanfic can get a closer view and yes, a sneak peek into the writing process. This will be the opportunity for you, the readers, to get to know your favorite writer as well as meet new ones.

Now without further ado, I am proud and honored to present this week's Writer, in the Writer's Showcase ...

Featured Writer of the Week

Personal Information

Author name
Missytoo - Missy

E-mail addresses
Missytoo@mindspring.com or Missythree@aol.com

http//members.aol.com/missythree/cynthus It's a test page for my new writing venture, and NO this is not an advertisement, just to let you see some of my other work. :)

I live in East Tennessee, right near the University of Tennessee

List affiliations
I'm on the loiscla list and tried twice to subscribe to the fanfic list, but it keeps ignoring me.. <g>

Lois and Clark or Superman Status

How long have you been watching L&C?
Since the re-run of ATAI in the summer of '95. I was hooked from that episode on... and eagerly acquired tapes of back episodes as soon as I could.

How long have you been a fan of Superman?
I watched the movies growing up,and liked it well enough, but always thought there was something missing..and then when I saw "Lois & Clark".. I knew what I'd been missing all this time. Clark needed to have someone to love, and not just anyone, but only Lois would do.

How long have you been writing?
I feel like I've always written, but my first major compositions that got me noticed were in second grade.

How long have you been writing L&C fanfic?
Since '96.

Types of Fanfic you have written?
Generally nfic, and round-robin stories.

Most recent story posted?
"Too Much Is Not Enough" (Chapters 1-4) but it's not finished yet. :)

Favorite story you've written?
So far, I like them all for different reasons. My favorite is probably "Too Much" for the reason that I started out writing a piece of nfic fluff on a lark, and the story just kept growing and expanding. I find that it's becoming a nice exploration of Lois & Clark's motivations, and there's still plenty left to explore.

Current project/projects?
I want to finish "Too Much" then continue on another unfinished one I've posted the beginning of "It's a Wonderful Life".

I've found my "what if" questions have inspired an idea for an nfic series involving Lois & Clark's relationship and how it evolved and grew. My premise "Near Misses / What if?" ... was if L&C slept together too early in the relationship, how would it have changed? I've been asking for volunteers who wouldn't mind tackling one of their favorite episodes, and re-writing (temporarily) a little of the relationship history. Naturally, H.G. Wells will be around, to fix the "problem" and to me, it helps explain how confident Clark looked on his wedding night in INPY.. (Not many nerves as far as *I* could see... and I was looking REALLY hard.. <g>) If anyone is interested in being a writer in this series, they can email me for further details, or catch me on IRC.

Personal picks of other Fanfics you've read?
I'm a fan of fic with lots of humor, and understanding of Lois & Clark's relationship. It's not about WHAT they do in the story, but WHY they're in the middle of the trouble they sometimes find themselves in. There are so many I've enjoyed, for so many reasons, I find it difficult to single anyone out, for fear of forgetting someone.

Interview Questions

What attracted you to writing Fanfic and what about it do you enjoy?
IT's a chance to play "what if?" with Lois & Clark, and that's always a fun game to play.

What about the L&C and the characters do you like the most?
I like the fact that they're two very different people, with different perspectives on many things. They still manage to respect each other, and love each other, even when sometimes they aren't even sure they *like* each other... and the sizzle is always there. <g>

How do you interpret them in your work?
They are very intense characters, both strong willed, and emotionally committed to each other. This leaves plenty of room to explore how they react to the same situations in different ways. Clark is always a giver, and Lois is the taker... at first.. but then eventually, they grow to appreciate the other's perspective so they learn from each other. That's always nice.

How did you begin writing in general?
It was a form of therapy and self-expression for me, when I was often afraid to tell people what I was feeling.

What are you working on now and where do you see it going?
I 'm also a struggling writer of non-L&C projects as well. I hope to be selling a screenplay or two in the next year or so, and hope to go professional as a writer in the near future.

What is your opinion about the following types of L&C fanfic's?



Good if you're old enough.

I like all of these elements combined in a good story. Since I am a very fast reader, I often get impatient with stories that are too wordy. In my preferred reading, I want to know what's going to happen, then let it happen. I don't need 5 pages of a character "feeling", although that IS important, just not too long please. :)

It seems that my favorite stories are not necessarily short stories, but ones that move all the elements at a good pace. Don't feel like it's necessary to describe in infinite detail every single element every time. Let the reader work their imaginations a little too.. it's more fun that way.

Has *everything* been done in your opinion, and if not, what is left?
I've often wondered about small intricate details of their characters. How does Clark interact with Lois' family? How is her relationship with Clark strengthened by her previous relationships, without telling all the "gory little details" ? And now that they're moving out of their twenty's.. what do they look back on and think about their lives prior to finding each other? and their lives AFTER finding each other?

What do you think makes the best story?
Lots of love, humor, and understanding between two very different characters. I'm most attracted to the characters interacting with each other, as well as their families and friends.. if you keep them apart for the entire story, (coughARGHcough) then it's not really a Lois AND Clark story, is it?

Open Forum For Author Comments

For the most part, I didn't share most of my writing with many people until very recently. That's sad, since I found I love it, and many of my readers seem to like what I do. Don't be afraid to write fic, or anything else if you feel the need. Write it for you, then share it with someone you feel comfortable sharing with. It's the only way to get better. And it's great therapy too, if you have something on your mind. Just writing something down is often enough to help me sort it out in my mind.

Also, always be truthful, but kind if some other writer asks for your opinion about something. They're trusting you with something very personal and precious. Don't abuse it. :)

"The heart is wiser than the intellect"