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In Memoriam: Julie Mack

Hey FoLCs, I have a message to share from Annette Ciotola (who’s one of the OG FoLCs and who founded this archive as well as the L&C Fanfic Message Boards):

It’s with a heavy heart that I’m letting you know that FoLCdom’s beloved Julie Mack passed away last week, losing her battle with cancer. Back in the day, Julie was a fandom fixture—part of the original group of about 10-15 FoLCs who would hang out on IRC. She is also one of the main inspirations for me creating the nfanfic archive in the first place—so that we could have a protected place to store and for people to access her stories . . .

To read the rest of the message, please go here to the message boards. And if you have memories of Julie or just want to say something about how she’s played a part in your FoLC life through her stories, please feel free to leave a comment.
